>> Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I hate myself for being so lazy.
I hate myself for being so confuse.
I hate myself for thinking too much.
I hate myself for being complicated.
I hate myself for being that way.
Can I don't hate myself?
What will you do when you know something is not right?
What will you do if the feeling is not right?
What will you do when something's changing?
What will you do if you are thinking of doing something that might affect other people?
I need a confirmation.
Random Note:
Happy Hour: 一个男人做什么事情会让你觉得他很有魅力?
I answered: play guitar and sing... just so attractive.. ♥
3 hit(s):
think too much? ya, u think from many perspectives
lazy? curi tulang is normal! damn u are normal human..
confuse? search the answer out by urself
complicated? maybe u need some time to relax and fresh ur mind.
But, dont ever ever hate urself...
because u are the only one..
yes, we should think from many perspectives right?
This is how we come to a conclusion when we think MORE.
haha.. okie, being lazy is normal. =.=
Yup, will find out. Gimme some time then. I believe time will prove everything.
=( everything will be okay! argh.
Thank youuuuuu =)
We are all just one of a kind.
i dunno what should i say, maybe others had already tell you better..
anyway, any decision i take using my brain, not the heart..
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