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Bee Sting

>> Friday, July 15, 2011

I was happily playing at the playground, standing up high laughing. And suddenly I felt pain at my toe. I saw a bee stung on my toe! I tried to moved the bee away but it failed at the first time. Then again I used my hand to push it away.

Okay, it was real pain. I was screaming and someone was laughing over there, thinking that I might be kidding or what. Umm! Until he came beside me, saw the bee sting on my toe. He quickly helped me to withdraw the sting from my toe.
The sting looks like this, but this pic definitely not me!
I was really innocent. I din even disturb the bee or what. Instead, I din even saw it flying around. I was just standing there and it stung on my TOE. Weirdo.

My toe has a little swell and pain. Hopefully it will get better tomorrow.

This bee!

4 hit(s):

Elaine Mah July 16, 2011 at 2:04 AM  

If the inflammation persist, Do visit general physician ok!

Chin Ling July 17, 2011 at 4:52 PM  

woo, this is really pain de lo.. >.<

Kaylie.SookYee July 28, 2011 at 3:03 PM  

SK Ding, haha.. Thats a good way to make me feel better! :D

Elaine, sure my dear. It's recover ady!

Chin Ling, yup. Really pain.haha.. Nice experience. :0

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