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Update Update

>> Friday, November 19, 2010

Too many things happened to my family recently.
After one lost, another of my uncle was admitted to the hospital.
Glad that he is alright now and has been discharged yesterday.
Visited him that day, alone.
Been so close with him when I was young. And out of sudden, I miss the moments of us play and fool with him in mum's shop.
10 years passed. He is becoming thinner, and I am in the other way round?
It was quite awkward at first because there were only both of us in the ward.
But we chatted and he is still the same, that funny.

After so many things happened, we appreciate each other even more.
Aunties all came to visit him, and my sibling is becoming more health-conscious.
Good thing, good thing.
But November isn't a good month for my family.

I believe, tomorrow will be a better day.
Up coming next is concentrating in my final exam, but not forgetting to enjoy too.
I need to study smart,
And be healthy!
And be happy!!


4 hit(s):

Rubin November 20, 2010 at 12:12 AM  

hey sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle. you hang in there alright? like you've said, tomorrow will be a better day. so eventually everything will be alright :)
do take care of yourself as well as i remember you tend to fall sick easily. hahaha. till we meet again ;) *hugs*

Kaylie.SookYee November 20, 2010 at 12:53 AM  

Bin bin.. thanks alot.
Supposed to find u girls de but too many things happened recently.
Yea.. I will. You too alright!
Take care and hope to see you real soon! =)

JY November 20, 2010 at 2:04 AM  

I know you can do it! Lets do it!! =) Be smart, Be healthy and be happy!!

Kaylie.SookYee November 20, 2010 at 11:56 PM  

Yes!! Thank youuuuu! hehe..
We must be smart, be healthy and be happy!

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