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Own Promises

>> Friday, October 16, 2009

Sick ar you?
Ya.. I'm sick.
Stomach upset + vomit.
Just don't feel good.

I think this is due to the stressness, tiredness, rushness.. As so many assignments and presentations are given, and we are having EC3 test next week.
Everything have to be finish by next week.

Guess what? :
1. I've decided to lower down my intake of spicy food. Spicy food is yummy but it actually affects our digestive system.='(
2. I've decided to increase intake of water.
3. I've decided to see things openly and use my zygomaticus muscle to face everything in life. Because smile actually keep us away from diseases.
4. I want to exercise more! But we see how la.. >.<

Let see how it goes. Heh..

2 hit(s):

Eugene October 21, 2009 at 5:48 PM  

yeah drink more! bring 1.5liter water bottle to school every day!

Kaylie.SookYee October 25, 2009 at 12:26 PM  

LOL. 1.5 liters is too heavy for me. And 750 ml is consider alot for me ady. xD

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