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>> Sunday, October 18, 2009

Some words may sound nothing to you, but it may sound a lot to others.

It's true. That's the quote of today. When I seriously thought it mean nothing, but it actually mean alot to others. That's why people say, think before you say/act.

To the girl, I'm sorry that I've deleted and blocked you away. I really can't put all my time to tell you all the craps. I've deleted you long time ago but I don't know you can still see me online. Then only I realise blocked you away would be the most effective way. Please dont say I'm mean or what. You're 20 u know? We are at the same age. Why would you like to take yourself and compare with me? Stop praising me or what-so-ever. I don't care! You are a pretty girl la. Don't ask me why are you ugly etc. Then you asked me about relationship. Okay then you said some guy cheated on you bla bla bla. I gave you advices la la la. But why begging me to webcam with me? I don't know la girl. I don't understand you. We don't even talk to each other in school last time.


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