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End of the Month

>> Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's the end of march. Time flies.
It's time to pass up account assignment friends. teehee.
Been so busy checking the assignment until I feel MCC.
I'm done with account, will hand it up at 5pm!

What come across your mind when you think of 31st?
Somehow I don't know why this month everyone is craving after Baskin Robbins.

And this makes me crave over it too!

But I want New Zealand ice-cream!
Nvm, next month. =)

p/s: I am looking forward for April. Movie, Malacca, Korea.. 

2 hit(s):

Engineer's Principles March 31, 2010 at 3:28 PM  

31% discount, maybe can think of getting one today.

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