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Edu Fair

>> Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Went Edu Fair in KLCC with Nicole, Pei Li, Rubin, Mei Yin and Balraj on last Sunday (11/1/09) .

I saw a lot of colleges' names that I never see before. Evil me *laughing* .

Thus, I felt we were really mean when we were trying to get the recycle bag from TARC college. At first, we pretend to be "interested" with their college, hoping them will explain more to us, and then give us the recycle bag. Nyek nyek. Too bad, our mission FAILED. So Balraj straight away ask that fella to give us the bag. = = Bal, you are so straight forward huh?! But that fella is smart, he pretended nothing happen and continue with his stories. Haha. Poor thing. Lastly, he gave us the bag. So nice of him!

[ the recycle bag ]

After walking for about two hours, started to feel hungry and tired. Went to 'hunt' for foods.

Then, we chaos. The train from KLCC to KL Central is so packed with people. And i hate the stupid indonesia guys. Irritating and trying to do something silly inside the train. Argh!

[ imagine how tired they were]

[ like 'kanak-kanak yang ditinggalkan'. =b]

[ Look at what I got ]

Till then ....

4 hit(s):

koh peichen January 14, 2009 at 8:45 AM  

hey. the edu fair is all bout colleges only rite? got local U? coz last year i went. but no local U. sob. =p

Kaylie.SookYee January 16, 2009 at 11:37 PM  

ya.. all college. zzz. no local U..

贝贝 January 19, 2009 at 3:57 PM  

not to promote TARC.
hahaha! many people said TARC accounting is not bad la..... =)
for ur information, u can try to ask Thivya...she's now in tarc, taking account. XD

Kaylie.SookYee January 21, 2009 at 12:07 AM  

hehe. actually i feel TARC acc not bad. oh.. then do you meet her in tarc? long time din see her ady..

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