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Say Hi to 2012!

>> Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!
It's a brand new year, my first post of 2012.

Before welcoming 2012, I would like to say thanks to 2011 for giving me lots of ups and downs that make me stronger.
Thanks to 2011 for giving me such a wonderful love stories.
Thanks to 2011 for giving me such a unforgettable birthday. With sadness and happiness as well.

With my love, with grandma, with family and relatives.
The wonderful lunch.
My Grandma.
Lovely surprise from siblings.
Once again, Happy birthday to me.

When it comes to new year, I bet most of the people are talking about their resolution.

I never have any resolution, and this year, for the first time.
My resolution:
1. To work once I'm free
2. To get a smart phone
3. To treat my love one - a big meal with my salary
4. Go for a photo shot (wanted for this since 2 years ago, :'( )
5. Go for a vacation with my love one
6. Maintain my weight at 40kg or lesser.
7. Praise by my fyp supervisor
That's what I thought of. Will be adding it if I think of any.

And let's see whether these could be fulfill by the end of 2012.
2012, be a good year okay?

3 hit(s):

Engineer's Principles January 2, 2012 at 8:00 AM  

Happy new year. About res. #4, me and my photomate will be happy to become ur photographer :p

Terence Toh January 4, 2012 at 3:38 PM  

Pls dun let SK Ding photo you. He is a very very hamsap man !!!

Kaylie.SookYee January 6, 2012 at 11:42 PM  

Ding, serious? haha.. but Torence say u hamsap man wo! >.<

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