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Turning Point

>> Saturday, July 27, 2013

Finally, the 4 years of Bachelor study is finally over.
A time that I had been waiting for.
I know I will be definitely miss study life but No No No;
My schooling may be over but my education still continues.
Graduation is just a process.

It's the turning point.
A turn point for me to step forwards,
To face another chapter of life.
A new chapter of life,
With new job, new friends, new environment.
There are plenty of challenges ahead of me.
Yet, I'm pretty excited for it.

Hey darling
Let's face the challenge together and get it move.
One day, our plan will succeed.
Take the experience first, cash will come later :)



  © SookYee's Personal Lives of Me by only-sookyee.blogspot.com Since 2007

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