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Bye Peeps!

>> Saturday, December 27, 2008


See you in 2009!

ps : sincerely wanna say sorry to my friends, cos i couldn't attend the bbq party on 30/12. I'm really sorry.



Here come my dog!

>> Friday, December 26, 2008

My Toy Poodle is here today! Cute betul!! haha.. Wanna know how do Poodle look like? Go Google and search for it. xD

Played with her for the whole day. But she was weak due to the first injection. My Boboo ~~~ This is a blur one. Will upload more next time.


Christmas or Sickmas?

>> Thursday, December 25, 2008

Too bad, i fall sick on this day. Good thing was, i sick at the evening. So i get to watched movie at the afternoon. Don't watch The Spirit! It is a stupid movie! The movie is so fake, so silly, so bombastic! Don't waste your money! Stupid graphic with stupid story line. Argh!

Feeling sick is so tiring and suffering.

Merry Sickmas to me.='(


For you, Tzing!

>> Tuesday, December 23, 2008


This girl ar? I knew her since Form One. We were in the same class for Form 1, 3 , 4 and 5. Firstly, i guess we weren't so close huh? Cos we were not in the same "gang", xD ! But as time passed on, we were getting closer and closer. Especially when we were at the same class in Form 6.

Honestly, she looked shy and honest. Haha. But she can go really craz
y and "sampat". We always talked a lot of stuffs and being lame. We can even talked about something, and end up laughing at each other , saying each other lame. And looking at each other, say "its not funny". LOL.

The plan :

We surprised her that night. The plan was kinda messed. I was keeping in touch with her sister, Pei Chen, Teck Jun and Bin that night. Cos I was working til 8pm that night, so I don't get to reply nor read their sms. I'm "NERVOUS". I was like kept calling her sister all the time. Afraid that the plan will ruin. Thanks god, everything was fine. =b I went in her house first, while Pei Chen and Jun were hiding behind the car with the cake. They came in when i missed call them. And then, Bin they all called her and wished her. Tzing said she knew that i'm coming her house to surprise her, cos she saw her sister talking in phone with me. Ahem!!! After celebrated, we played Mahjong. Thats the first time in my life. Kinda fun!

However, i hope she enjoyed that day. Although it was not a grand celebration with a grand cake. ^^

I'm glad to have you as my friend! =)


I wish

>> Saturday, December 20, 2008

In few more hours time, they will off to Langkawi. How i wish i could go. This is the last chance of going school's trip. And i always wanted to go to a trip with Pei Li, Bin and Nicole. Last years i am supposed to go for the Pangkor trip, but too bad. And now.. Sigh.

Why is this happening to me? i really wanted to go.

Bin, Nicole, Pei Li.. take more pictures k? Will be waiting you all to be back.
(*i think they gonna see this when they are back. they all must be busy packing now o.0)

='( i miss Pei Li. The last time we met was 3 weeks ago. My ah pa.......


Movie Review : IP MAN

>> Friday, December 19, 2008

If you are planning to go for a movie, i recommend IP MAN.

First things first – the title Ip Man is pronounced as “Eep-Man”, not “I-P Man”, and it’s certainly not a movie about a superhero called Internet Protocol Man going around saving computers from spam. It is the biopic of one of the most celebrated martial arts grandmasters of recent times – Ip Man, grandmaster of Wing Chun.Besides being a grandmaster of one of the most practised martial arts styles in the world, Ip Man is also known as the teacher of a certain kung fu legend named Bruce Lee. Ip Man was a man who inspired the world and society as a whole. He was a man who believed in certain morals and principles. This movie is used as a platform to convey those values to the audience. For me, that was the most important part of making this movie.

My opinion : I like the part when Ip Man was doing the Wing Chun Kung Fu. Every step and hit seems to be so smooth and nice. It was no easy role to play. Donnie Yen must be fully prepared to the most accurate and truest to both the historical facts and the characteristics of the character. This movie is not just a kung fu show, it showed loves, cares, patriotic, family, friends etc. This movie made me cried. I don't know why. The story line is really touching, especially when its gonna end.

[ Donnie Yen ]
He is so cool ! ^^

The real Ip Man :

The trailer :

The link :

Go watch it. RM 8 for this movie is worth enough. =b



>> Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm not discriminating anyone here. Just wanna make some comments on those Bangladesh fellas or maybe those foreign workers. I really don't understand with them.

This is what happened when i went to petrol station alone today.
Bangla #1 : Hi. Baru balik dari kerje?
Me : Takde, baru mau pergi.
Bangla #1 : Oh. (looked shock) Sampai pukul berapa?
Me : Malam. ( started to feel annoyed)
Bangla #1 : ( with his evil smile ) Oh. Mana you kerje?
Me : Bukit Tinggi.

Here come the Bangla #2.

Bangla #1 : You kerje berape gaji?
Me : RM 5 .
Bangla #1 : Satu bulan?
Me : (omg!,RM5 per month? are you crazy?) kira jam.
Bangla #2 : (smiling) Mana you tinggal?
Me : Sentosa. ( trying to answer as short as possible, wondering when is the oil gonna be done pumped?)
Bangla #2 : Mana you kerje?
Me : (smile) (can you stop asking?how many times do you want me to answer this?)
Bangla #1 : You kerje part time la?
Me : Ye.
Bangla #2 : So you kerje bila takde sekolah la?
Me : Ye.
Bangla #1 : Hari ini takde sekolah ke?
Me : Ye!!! = =

*Tik* (done)

Them : Okay. Bye.
Me : Thank you. Bye.

And then i quickly jumped into my car and locked my door.

Sometimes, i really got no idea why are they always trying to flirt around with customers. This is not my first time meeting this situation. I faced the same situation 2 months ago , at the same petrol station! Couldn't them change their this bad habit? If they don't get the chance to talk to you, they started to stare at you with some kind of way, which made you feel uncomfortable. That is so irritating!

Not only that, this happened when you are driving too. They can even used a lot of idiotic ways to talk to you when the traffic light turns into red! What the hell is that!? They did all the stupid actions with all the evil smile, just to get your attention. I always wished to ignore them, but i can't. You can't make them angry, especially if you are alone. You will never know what would them do to you.

What can we do is just be tolerante. Yes, patient. Try to be "friendly" as them? Gosh, I know, this is nonsense. Thats why i feel, no matter what they say, answer them with a SMILE. =) (sign of ignorance)



Yes, kids.
You are so cute to me.
Charmful and cheerful.
You made my day.
You are naive, but sometimes you can turn to be sily.

Sometimes I don't understand your language.
Kinda hard to be understand. =0

Annuyah, Zhuo In, Aartie, Pritinah, Kar Way, Kai Song, Khai Ying, Khai Yi, Zheng Yao and etc.
Thats the names I know today.
Thats the first time i teach you all.
Pritnah, you are so lovely. ^ ^ but stop asking me to talk to you. You should finish up your work.

I'm in love with this job. Kids are so adorable. Their reactions and questions are unexpected. Thus, it makes me smile. =)


Calling for you!

>> Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hey Hey! My friends out there! Where have you all been? So long din hear from you all already? Mana you orang semua pergi? Why no outing? SMS pun tak da? Blog pun sudah lama tak update!

I miss schooling days badly.


Chit-Chat Day

>> Monday, December 15, 2008

Bin called me at the afternoon. She said Tzing was at her house. Bin asked me whether wanna go her house chit-chat or not. Wow! Ofcouse, i don't wanna waste this "chit-chatting" moment. We sat at the living room, without switching on the light. We talked about work, pets, friends etc. It's reallly cool. I love "chit-chat" so much! =b And i knew three of us felt so boring at that moment. Yet, we planned a outing to sing K on wed. Don't know whether it will jadi or not. I want sing sing SING!!! T.T Too bad, i went home after chit-chatting with them for 2 hours. Then, Pei Chen called me, and we chit-chatted awhile. Lame Pei Chen! ^ ^"

[ at Bin's house, the pose of boringness ]

At night, went Burger stall, had some chit-chat with HSK fellas. Okay, they are even lame. Joe, Anson, Yeu Tat, Anyon and s0rNgau. Sometimes, i feel i'm sesat again. Can you guys don't talk in hokkien? = =" Anyway, I can feel the boringness from them. All were talking about finding work.

See, today is my chit-chat day! =) talk talk talk ~ ~



>> Sunday, December 14, 2008

I don't know where else to go during this holiday. Wanna go for Lagoon, but this month is raining season. Wanna go for trip, but i'm working. Thats why i went for movie everyday, except if i'm working or if i'm busy.

My schedule after exam :

4/12 Transporter 3
5/12 Madagascar 2
6/12 working
7/12 Withness
8/12 went to my mum's shop
9/12 working
10/12 J-card day ( shopping)
11/12 Bolt 3D
12/12 The Day The Earth Stood Stil
13/12 working



Wait larh!

>> Thursday, December 11, 2008

My hand phone is done repaired. And it cost me RM 45. Sigh..

Thus, i haven't get my hand phone back. Wait larh.. When i get it back, i gonna post up more posts with pictures! Post without pictures is damn so boriing. ^^


I'll be back!



>> Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm attacked by boredness.
I'm really bored.
I thought life after exam is gonna be fun, but its not.

My hand phone is spoilt.
All of the contact numbers were gone.
People messaged me, but in turn i'm asking them "Who are you?"
No more camera, no more SS-ing, no more camwhoring, no more pictures.

I'm working . And my parents are going to Vietnam this week.
So no more outings, no more fun, no more laughter.
I'm sorry MayMay, i did not go for the Pyramid outing, sorry for disappointed you all again.
I'm sorry Tzing, i couldn't confirm with you for the movie outing.
I'm sorry. i'm feeling mad with it.

I got no money.
So no sHoppping, no eating, no playing.
No more buying dresses.

I'm thinking of taking Bio or Chemistry book to read.
This is insane. I don't know why.

I watched movie everyday.
I ate Mcd Sundae ice-cream everyday.
I work on every tuesday, thursday and Saturday.

This is my life.


Peeps !

>> Sunday, December 7, 2008

If you are reading this,
kindly send me a msg , with your name.
I've lost all of the contact numbers.
My hp was spoilt.

( Nicole, PeiChen, Bei, Tzing : you all are excluded !)

Thanks !~


I'm working

>> Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm working in E-nopi. Today is my first day. I'm kinda nervous in the morning. Tzing, thanks for your supportive message. =) Thus, everything was fine. I learnt the ways to mark students' work books. Karen ( if i did not spell wrongly) taught me. She is nice. I can't believe that I marked the books for 6 hours!!! I admit that i love marking books, but this is so ..... tiring! The calculation, the writing, the noisy-ness.. Omg! I feel teaching is much more interesting. The kids are so cute and naive! Zoe and her husband were nice and friendly. Nicole was sitting far away from me. We don't really have the chance to talk. But we do went for lunch together. teehee!~

Okie.. more working days to go!



STPM is over!

>> Thursday, December 4, 2008

We ended our last paper today, at 3.45pm! That's the day! We stayed at school for awhile to discussed our trip/outtings. We decided to celebrate at Sg U for seafood today. But too bad, its closed. So we went Chen Chen Hao Steamboat in Bukit Tinggi.

[ Mei Yin, Pei Chen, Elaine ]

Then, we went Baskin Robbin.

[ The Girls ]

[ The first ever pic with her ( the banana ) , and she smiles =p ]

[ Sze Tzing, Me, Mei Yin ]

[ The banana kept saying that I'm "geli", do I? ]
i don't think so!

Next station, the mamak opposite ACS, Modern!

[ S S ]

[ Take 1 : Tzing putting her hand on my shoulder ]

[ Take 2 : Banana is jealous xp ]

[ Take 3 : The nice ones ]

[ Take 4 : I pokked banana ]

Lame pictures : [ My fingers are short, i know ]

[ Lame idea, spot for Banana's SELIPAR ]

I felt happy with the outting that night. For the whole night, i was laughing and talking lame stuffs with Pei Chen and Sze Tzing. I can't stop laughing, can't stop talking, can't stop camwhoring with them. We were in our own world. Looking back at the LAME pics that we took, its made me smile. Pei Chen, you were really crazy! Thanks so much. You made my night that day! =)



Birthday .

>> Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Gan Aaven!
(my S0rNgau's buddy)

We celebrated his birthday at Denny Restaurant. Actually planned to celebrate at "smelly tauhu" stall. But due to raining, we went Denny. Hock Song and Lester were there too. Dun Kei working at there, so he served us and kept disturbing us. ^^" Then,we chit-chatted . Okay, i think is only the guys were chit-chatting while i was busy eating my pasta. They were talking in hokkien .. how would i understand? Gosh.. I don't even know how to speak nor understand! So sad right? Klang's people should be able to speak and understand Hokkien language! Everytime when i go out with HSK fellas, I'm the only one "SESAT". = =

Snapshot:[ See how happy he was! ]


L O L!

>> Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Take a look !
If you have students like this :



For fun :


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